Share your CLE-Vignettes with FreshWater!

The staff here at FreshWater Cleveland likes to know what our readers are up to—what they’re doing for fun and entertainment, or how they are just spending time with friends and family.

So, we’re starting a new series: CLE-Vignettes, short scenes, or snapshots, that describe what Northeast Ohio residents are doing with their time.

Your scene may be that event or afternoon off you’ve been looking forward to. Or maybe it’s spending time with friends at the neighborhood playground, hiking that trail, snowboarding the slopes, or grabbing a bite to eat or having a drink at that restaurant or bar you’ve been waiting to frequent.

Just email your best CLE-Vignette to with your photo, your name, the names of anyone pictured in the photo, where you are, and what you are doing.

We look forward to seeing you!