LISTEN --> FreshFaces Podcast: Michael Sering of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry


The FreshFaces podcast is back for season two! Hosted by FreshWater contributing editor Jen Jones Donatelli, this limited-run series shines the spotlight on six Cleveland trailblazers affecting change in their communities — namely the 2020 Fresh Innovators, as honored at Spark 2020: Grit to Great event in September 2020 by the Cleveland Leadership Center and Marcum LLP, in tandem with FreshWater Cleveland. (To purchase post-event access to keynotes, workshops, and the Fresh Innovator Showcase, click here.)

As the Vice President of Housing and Shelter for Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, Michael Sering is making big strides to help the homeless here in Cleveland. He helps operate 2100 Lakeside, which is celebrating its 15th anniversary as Ohio’s largest homeless shelter.

In this episode, Sering talks about all of innovative ways LMM is working hard to crate affordable housing in Cleveland and the innovations coming down the pike. (Spoiler alert: moon dirt is involved.)

Learn more about why Sering believes housing is the solution for homelessness in this inspiring FreshFaces conversation.

Give it a listen here:  

For more information on the organizations and projects discussed on the episode, please visit these links:

Listen and subscribe to FreshFaces on Anchor here.

Listen and subscribe to FreshFaces on Spotify here.