Faded memories: Ghost Signs of CLE

In virtually every town in America, on rural roads, and big cities, old, hand-painted advertisements promoting everything from Coca Cola and Paramount Vodka to Mail Pouch Tobacco still exist. While they may be faded, or even illegible, they grab our attention.

These signs are relics of the 19th and early 20th Centuries—in a time before modern billboards and neon lights—painted by walldogs who are long gone.

FreshWater contributing photographer Jeff Christner shared some of his favorite recent ghost murals he’s found in Cleveland, as we launch this new series, Ghost Signs of CLE.

Jeff Christner
Jeff Christner

About the Author: Jeff Christner

Jeff Christner is a native of Northeast Ohio who spends his days managing a local animal shelter. When he’s not at work, his hobbies include aviation archaeology, urban exploration, and photography. He has written several articles regarding the field of animal care and control, and he recently contributed as an author on the book “Wreckchasing 102: Exploring military and commercial aircraft crash sites.” His ongoing side project involves locating and documenting ghost signs painted on the sides of old buildings in and around the Cleveland area.