Come Together and Thrive

In the City of South Euclid, you’ll find countless gathering places, inviting green spaces, and amenities to keep you engaged and entertained. Whether you’re looking for entertainment, a  new home, or a business move, you’re sure to find something suited to your needs.

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Pitching in: South Euclid nonprofit KeyStone leads community beautification effort
South Euclid residents Linda Thurston and Michael Sering, along with a group of volunteers, are making an impact in their city with KeyStone Community Services. The nonprofit recently cleaned planters along Mayfield Road in a beautification effort funded with a grant from One South Euclid CDC, and helps seniors with property maintenance.
Halloween Feast: South Euclid's Fall annual festival has music, games, food, and free pumpkins
The City of South Euclid will host its  Halloween Feast at Bexley Park this weekend, packed with activities, cash prizes, food, and live music.
Rock the Block: South Euclid’s biggest party returns for 10th year
In 2015, the City of South Euclid brought Rock The Block music and food festival to the city as a way to bring the community together. A decade later, the popular event hosted by One South Euclid draws thousands of revelers who in August will celebrate with food trucks, activities, vendors, and live music by bands like Carlos Jones and the Plus Band, Apostle Jones, and South Euclid's own Discovery Band.
Building boom: South Euclid expands, diversifies housing stock
Driven by strong demand, the City of South Euclid has five major housing projects in the works. Working with One South Euclid, these projects diversify housing options and show the city's commitment to growth and community enrichment by adding single-family homes, townhomes, custom houses, and infill housing for young professionals, families, and empty nesters alike.
Heart of downtown: South Euclid Food Truck Park returns for season two
The South Euclid Truck Park will open in June for its second summer season—serving up an ever-changing lineup of food trucks, live music, and nonprofit support each weekend. The park was a vision of the City of Euclid and One South Euclid CDC to create an in-demand downtown destination.
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