Street Level

FreshWater writers recognized at 2023 All Ohio Excellence in Journalism Awards
At the Press Club of Cleveland’s 2023 All Ohio Excellence in Journalism Awards ceremony at the House of Blues last week, FreshWater Cleveland was recognized with seven awards in various categories for stories and photo essays published last year.
Rumbles of E. 49th: ‘Never mind, dummy’
Ralph Horner was alone on the playground early one morning when his group's rivals, the Gashouse Bots, showed up. Horner averted a fight by playing stupid.
Welcome signs: Waypoint locations in the skies direct and amuse pilots
When pilots are heading into Cleveland, they know they're close when they hit GPS waypoints on their radar listing LBRON, TRYBE, or ROCKIN. Grant Segall explores what these clever five-letter waypoints stand for, and some other interesting handles elsewhere in Ohio and around the country.
Rumbles of E. 49th: Catch us if you can
Ralph Horner and his buddies were good at eluding the police when they were hanging out at the Superior-Luther playground, except once when one member of the group made one wrong move.
Rumbles on E. 49th: A Most Magnificent Sound
Ralph Horner and his friends hatched a plan to prank the police who sat in their patrol car on East 55th Street and Superior Avenue every night around 7 p.m. The result produced the kind of joy that only teenage boys can feel.
The new queen of the North Coast: Jacobs entertainment christens Lady Caroline cruise ship
Jacobs Entertainment and local officials welcomed Lady Caroline, Cleveland's newest dinner cruise ship, to her new home at the Powerhouse docks in the Flats on Monday.
Ode to Hessler: Grog Shop hosts two-day concert dedicated to iconic street fair
The Hessler Street Fair last occurred in 2019, but the legendary event created fond memories for many Clevelanders. Later this month, the Grog Shop in Cleveland Heights will recreate some of the nostalgia with a two-night concert dedicated to the fair.
Water music: Cleveland Metroparks announces 16-week traveling waterfront Summer Concert Series
Cleveland Metroparks is gearing up for summer, with its Summer Concert Series at various Metroparks waterfront locations. starting May 18, and opening its summer operations and lifeguarded swim areas.
The Cleveland Museum of Art announces 2023 Solstice artist lineup
Cleveland Museum of Art’s signature Summer Solstice event will bring art to life with international music, local artists and dramatic visual displays.
The Green Team: Cleveland Asian Festival organizers aim for a Near Zero Waste event
The Cleveland Asian Festival, happening May 20-21, will be a Near Zero Waste event this year. Festival organizers are working with Rust Belt Riders and volunteers to compost and recycle as much as possible.
Kimpton Schofield wants guests to experience botanical benefits
The Kimpton Schofield Hotel wants guests to have a bit of green therapy with its new Plant Pals Program. Guests can adopt a plant during their stays to bring some stress relieving nature to their experiences.
Rumbles on E. 49th: Fun with bus drivers
Riding the electric bus around the neighborhood as a teenager, Ralph Horner and his friends enjoyed pranking the driver. Then, one day, they came up with the "ultimate" prank.
So, you want to be a writer? Local authors to teach Lake Erie Ink’s Teen Writers’ Symposium
Area teens will have the chance to work with professional writers in a variety of genres this weekend at Lake Erie Ink's Teen Writers' Symposium at Cleveland State University.
Holden Forests & Gardens celebrates Arbor Day
Arbor Day is tomorrow, Friday, April 28. In honor of the day set aside for the planting, upkeep, preservation, and celebration of trees, Holden Forests & Gardens has a bunch of activities planned.
Rumbles on E. 49th: Bob and Ed Right a Wrong
There were three groups of students at Willson School in the 1950s. Ralph Horner witnesses the shortest fight he'd ever seen when one of the "Basement Boys" made an error during a lunchtime movie.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Earth Day events highlight year-round conservation
This Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day, and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History has a weekend full of activities planned to celebrate nature, preserve our natural resources, and see what's new at the museum.
Rumbles on E. 49th: A lesson learned in fighting with humor
After losing his temper while horsing around at White City Beach one day, Ralph Horner learned a valuable lesson: that sometimes humor if the best way to get out of a fight.
Artistic celebration: South Euclid calls for artists to honor city’s historic contributions to NEO
One South Euclid CDC is recognizing its historic contributions to Greater Cleveland through public art. The city has issued a public call for artists to design and paint a mural on the Johns-Carabelli Company building on Mayfield Road.
Take a hike: Cleveland Metroparks 2023 Trail Challenge is underway; a look back at the 2022 trails
The Cleveland Metroparks 2023 Trail Challenge is underway! Find out how to enroll and read about Erin O'Brien's experiences on the 2022 Trail Challenge in this recap.
Rumbles on E. 49th: The love affair between D'Artagnan and Constance Bonacieux
As an 10-year-old in Goodrich-Kirtland Park, Ralph Horner fell in love with the most beautiful 12-year-old he had ever seen. He envisioned themselves as D'Artagnan and Constance Bonacieux from "The Three Musketeers," only to be challenged by a bully.